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Monday, August 17, 2009

Advantages of Forex

Advantages of Forex

Investing in Forex market is a better option than other kinds of investments. Unlike regular stock markets, Forex is open 24 hours a day. To do Forex trading, With a small amount of $300 USD, you can enter the Forex market and open a "mini account" which will allow you trade lot of units.

Forex market has high liquidity. In Forex trading, you have complete control over your capital.
Most investments hold your money for a long time. This is a major disadvantage because you cannot use this money in case of financial difficulty. If somehow you access this capital, you will have to suffer huge loss, which is not feasible.

Forex traders can earn profit even in unfavorable market conditions.
Forex traders can make profit during down trends and uptrends.
Stock market traders cannot get profit unless the stock prices increase.

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